Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May God save the leader who's not knowing better....

Dear leader friend when you see a bored or frustrated follower don't feel pity for her and do not, not even in your thoughts plan to rescue her!   Read this and be strong!

This experience hit me just after midnight as black surprices use to do. Some steps in the second song she whispered in my ear: Try me!

                                        ...... warning......

I tried to press my tired body to volgadas and some extra ganchos but I understood it wasn't enough. Shiiiiiit! During the last song she then got mad and exploded in activity. I could not see anything of the happenings in front of me, but just felt the pulling and pushing on my arms. When the situation was calm again I found her clinging on my left hip while I was turning aimlessly around my axis as a wheel after an accident.

When in Berlin my leader friend found a lady sitting with her elbow on the table and resting her chin on the palm.

                                         ...... warning.....

He is tall, quite strong and had never had problems before! But she got mad from the beginning..... CANCHOS en mass and then BOLEOS of all kinds with stilettos out. No leading needed there! He consentrated to save the surroundings, placing her towards the corners and leading fast steps to the next corner. He is a gentleman and danced the tanda but he was resting at the bar the following two!

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